A long long time ago, I created a picture tutorial on how to make chicken stock. Back then, I didn’t even have a stock pot and made my stock in a roasting pan!
Since my last post was a video on how to cut up a chicken, I thought the logical thing to do would be to show you what to do with all the chicken scraps that you are left with after you get all the meaty bits off.
In the video, I go through the process twice. I wanted to show some of the range of possibilities in stock making. One batch is very dark, not super clear, very heavy on the vegetables, deeply flavoured, and seasoned, having been made with what was left from brined and roasted carcasses. This batch was also made in a pot on the stove. The other batch in the video is light, is almost consommé clear, made with fresh raw carcasses, contains no vegetables, and is made in a crock pot. I wanted to show that chicken stock can be made in a variety of ways, but that what you do to it affects the final result.
Different styles of chicken stock are best suited for different applications. For example, when I want to make asian inspired soups, or realy robust dishes, like chili, for example, I would probably want to make a more robust, darker chicken stock for it. When making lightly flavoured dishes, like a simple chicken noodle soup, I would opt for a lighter, milder stock.
This is the second video that I have made. I am still working out some sound issues and learning to edit, so bear with me, these first videos will be a little rough around the edges!
Oct 2, 2014
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You’ve heard it before and you are about to hear it again. Homemade chicken stock is FAR better than canned or boxed. It is fresher and more flavourful, and making it yourself gives you unlimited options as to the flavours and consistency your stock possesses. Every home cook should have stock at hand at all times, and ideally, that stock is homemade. Not only does it taste better and provide you with more options, but there are serious health benefits that come with consuming well made stock. I touch on some of that while explaining the recipe in this article.
Making homemade chicken stock is easy. It does take time, but it is very little work. I never measure the ingredients when making it, as there is no need. For the purposes of this post I will be describing specific amounts, but this is only to be used as a VERY rough guide. Feel free to alter (within reason) the amounts of vegetables and chicken scraps as you desire. The stock will be fantastic regardless. Also keep in mind that vegetables are not even needed. I like my stock to have the added flavour of vegetables, but others might enjoy a more pure chicken flavour. That is perfectly fine! Play with it! Find what works best for you! This recipe is just a good starting point for those who have never made it before and are curious about the process.
Your results will probably vary due to many factors, but this recipe left me with a little over two liters (quarts) of rich flavourful chicken stock.
Click here for full post.
Dec 17, 2010
It doesn’t matter how many years you have been a successful chef or what famous culinary school you went to, whatever you think the important differences between stock and broth are, there will surely be others with similarly impressive credentials as you, who have different opinions.
There is a difference, but I think it’s more of a spectrum than a black or white issue. Some say that stocks are merely simmered bones with no seasoning, vegetables or other ingredients involved, while broth is boiled meat with vegetables and sometimes spices and seasoning added to the mix. Others say that both broth and stock can contain bones as well as meat, but the important difference is the ratio of meat to bone, whereas a stock would contain more bone and visa versa. Another opinion is that broths are merely flavoured stocks. Still others say broth is stock that is being used in a soup. Salt content is sometimes described as being the critical difference as well. Sifting through the intricacies of the arguments can become quite tedious.
If forced to ultimately distinguish between the two I would say that they are the same, save that stocks are made with bones and broths are made with meat. Stocks are thick and gelatinous like jello when cooled because of the collagen that is extracted from the bones and connective tissues while simmering. The gelatinous quality of stock makes it better than broth for deglazing pans and is often used in place of butter or cream to make sauces in this way. Pure broth will stay liquid when cooled and will not taste quite as rich as a stock. This can be a desirable quality for light soups and other recipes that require a lighter flavour. It seems that many people feel that stocks should not include vegetables, but I don’t see any reason why they should not. I feel that if the dish you are preparing cannot do with the subtle flavours that vegetable add to a stock than one can merely make a stock without vegetables. To this Ill add that while vegetables seem to usually be required for a broth, there is no law against making a simple broth with only meat. When I make chicken broth I usually use bones and meat and the result is gelatinous when refrigerated, so I suppose that could be considered a stock, but I also put vegetables into it and use it as a base for soups, sometimes with water added to thin it if it is meant to be a light soup. The important thing, I think, is to use what is best for the recipe and call it what you like, whether it falls directly into the pure definition of the word or not.
To summarize, in my non-expert opinion stock and broth can be considered the same thing. You may choose to make a gelatinous broth by using bones or meat and bone combination or you can use only meat for a lighter result. Either way it will be delicious and will certainly out do anything you can buy at the store. You can detect the simplicity and taste the freshness in a homemade broth. I strongly urge you to try making it if you never have before. It takes time, but it is very little work. (recipe for chicken stock HERE)
Dec 15, 2010