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Brown rice is one of the most perfect foods on this planet. I eat it just about every day. Unfortunately, though, it is under appreciated by a lot of people. White rice has its uses and I do appreciate it for what it is (a yummy and basically nutritionally void junk food… like cake), but if you are going to eat rice in your meal, why not make it brown rice at least MOST of the time? Obviously its healthier by far, but not only that; it actually fills you up and has texture and flavour. A meal can go from being junk food to incredibly healthy simply by substituting brown rice for white rice. One complaint that I understand people have is that brown rice doesn’t keep as well as white rice. It is true that any whole grain will be more difficult to store than its over processed counterpart. This, however, I do not see as much of an argument for neglecting whole grains. Simply buying less at a time and storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator will guarantee that you always have fresh rice. Another complaint is that brown rice is more difficult to prepare. Perhaps this is true, but brown rice is not all that difficult to prepare at all. Its just different than white rice. You cannot treat brown rice like minute rice and expect it to turn out well. You need to treat brown rice like brown rice and you will find it to be an ever so easy way to pack a huge punch of yummy healthiness into your rice dishes.
This is not really a recipe but more of a “how to”. I’m simply showing you the technique of how to cook brown rice, but I’ll treat this article like a recipe. Just remember that you can use this method to cook any amount of rice. The measurements that I am using in this post are just examples.
Apr 1, 2011