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Sure, you can buy your mayonnaise in a big jar, but homemade mayo is a real treat. It’s so fresh and, while mayonnaise is mostly oil, it can be considered slightly healthier when made fresh, due to the fact that you get to use fresh ingredients. It will not contain preservatives which is always nice, though that means you will have to use it up in a few days. You can also choose your oil, which may seem like a small thing, but different oils have different properties and some people prefer certain oils. The taste of this mayonnaise is surprisingly close to that of major brands. If you didn’t know it was a batch of homemade mayo, and you tasted it, you would probably think that it is just Hellmann’s or Kraft. Still, I don’t know if it is just psychological but it seems to me to have just an extra little… something. It may just be because I make it myself and I know it is fresh, or maybe it is that little bit of love that all homemade foods possess. Whatever it is, I love to make it because when i do, I enjoy it more.
Making mayonnaise is extremely similar to making hollandaise sauce. Both sauces have a bad reputation of being difficult to make, and/or scary to make at home from scratch. I think that both sauces are incredibly easy to make and most of the fear, besides fear of difficulty, is that most people think that you have to use raw egg yolk. Raw egg yolks can be use to make either sauce, but in both cases, I cook the egg yolks. Therefor, have no fear, this recipe is safe and easy!
The recipe will yield about a cup and a half of mayonnaise, and it will last about a week in the refrigerator. So make this full batch if you intend on making a recipe, such as egg or potato salad in the next couple of days. Make half a batch if all you want is a little mayo to spread on sandwiches.
Oct 16, 2012